I'm clearly told to wait right now. Our family is still in a season of waiting for many things and people. I'm sure yours is too.
Psalm 27:14 says "Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord". The word wait here in Hebrew is qavah. It means to bind together (by twisting); to expect; to look. This word stresses the straining of the mind in a certain direction with an expectant attitude...a forward look with assurance. That means there is no doubt or impatience, but a person having a good attitude while looking for the Lord to act.
The word courage in this scripture that we are to let our heart take is chazaq. This word in Hebrew means to fasten upon, to seize, to be strong, to repair, to bind, to catch, to cleave, to confirm, to be constant, to establish, to fortify, to become mighty, to be sure and stout, and to withstand. Clearly this word is a verb. Verbs are action words. This scripture tells us to let our heart take courage. First, it signifies we have a choice to make. Then, a choice of action.
When qavah means to bind together...what are we binding? We combine a purposeful, expectant attitude with repaired, sure and constant strength. Hold on. Repaired? Does that mean when the Lord asks us to wait for something, and we wait on Him with a good attitude, our strength is actually repaired and made stronger? We become stronger when we wait correctly?
Are you pleasing God with your wait? Am I? This wait seems to be a verb as well. The action of choice here is to wait expectantly with a good attitude. Sometimes that good attitude takes a lot of work. I know mine does. Waiting with a good attitude sounds suspiciously a lot like patience.
Romans 5:3-5(NASB) says "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." I know that perseverance means patience and patience is usually tied in with a whole lot of waiting. The gain of this waiting is a proven character and a solid hope in God's love for us.
I love the way the Message says this scripture. It really changed the way I see it. It says, "There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!" Isn't that incredible? By waiting in qavah fashion, watching for what the Lord will do next, are we not alert and watching for Him? Shouldn't that be the basis for anything and everything happening in our lives, big and small? And if we take courage while waiting for Him, we will only become stronger and more solid in our faith. More faith-full. Faithful. Yes. I want that.
What are you waiting on the Lord for? Are you waiting on Him in qavah fashion?
Psalm 39:7 "But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You."
Psalm 121:1,2 "I lift my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."
Very well written :)